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서울 먹거리 서울 가볼만한 곳 서울 맛집 서울 볼거리 여행 관광지 

음식점 인사동 청계천 북촌 한옥마을 삼청동 광장시장 쌈지길 벚꽃 정독도서관 서울타워 남산돈까스 동대문

외국인친구 소개용으로 급하게 만드는지라 사진도 이곳저곳에서 마구 퍼왔습니다.

좋은곳있으면 리플로좀 알려주세요 내용추가하게요+_+

제가 찍은 사진은 없으며 출처가 표시되어있다면 다행, 아니면 몰라요. ㅈㅅ...

내용은 다분히 ㄴㄴ 100%주관적이며 이런게 있다정도 보여주려고 짧은영어로 쓰느라 힘들었으니 그냥 좀-_-

* Places 

* N Seoul tower - '서울타워'   <place + food>

  Landmark of Seoul,  no description, just visit :) 

   Dishes in the observatory restaurant,,,  are ... not cheap. lol

  Good for day n night landscape, you can get to the top by bus or cable car.

( that tower is located at the top of the Nam mountain-'남산')

 #food Namsan tonkatsu - '돈까스' (pork cutlet)  near the cable car terminal,

  - official web,  http://www.nseoultower.co.kr/eng/index.asp

  - blog (photos)  http://blog.naver.com/y2lovehanj/10134001390


* Gyoungbok gung - '경복궁' ( Royal palace )   <place> 

  Royal palace of Chosun dynasty, 

 most meaningful place is Seoul. you can see the building which is printed on korean 10000won bill. 

  it can be boring for people from similar culture (china or .)

  abt 2~3hrs is enough to look simply around here, don't need to spend much time on it if u don't hv much time

 - official web : http://www.royalpalace.go.kr/html/eng/main/main.jsp

*  Samchungdong - '삼청동' & Bukchon hanok village - '북촌 한옥마을 ' (traditional village)  <place+food>

  Samchungdong _ there are many fancy cafes and shops, and eye catching things

       many girls love to have brunch in this area.

       popular places among foreigners and young people(20-30),

      (an English friend of mine recommended me this place when i asked his favorite place)

 - related web : http://www.eatyourkimchi.com/wank-strolling-through-samchungdong/

 bukchon is just next to samchungdong, u can visit in one day.

  + Jeongdok library 

   small & elegant library in bukchon village, worth to visit in cherry blossom season, & autumn color season.

 ( i think your holiday [april 18-22] is suitable for watching cherry blossom festival in Youido aswell.)

photos : http://photo.naver.com/search/%EC%A0%95%EB%8F%85%EB%8F%84%EC%84%9C%EA%B4%80?sort=ranking&page=1

* Insadong 인사동 (+  ssamzigil - '쌈지길')    <place + food>

 basic course for traveler, street of korean tradition culture,  ( close to bukchon)

souvenir shop, antique, traditional cafe and restaurant,

 - official web : http://insadong.jongno.go.kr/chinaMain.do

 - photos : http://photo.naver.com/view/2009042409132943259?page=1&view=search&sort=ranking&param=%EC%9D%B8%EC%82%AC%EB%8F%99

쌈지길 ssamzigil is located in insadong gil

_dsc3971_krazzang.jpg (740×492)

* Cheonggyecheon 청계천 길 <place>

  this creek start around between the city hall station(line2) and Gwanghwamoon station(5) 

   and the endpoint connected to Dongdaemoon (동대문東大門_ shopping+clothes)

so go to Gwanghwamoon first and see 2 statues in gwanghwamoon-square and move to cheonggye cheon

populat date course for couples bcuz of its location,

* Hongik university - '홍익대학교, 홍대, 홍대입구 ' (line2 exit9)

super hot place for young people who wants clubbing, shopping, everything, 

from 홍대입구(hongik univ stn. ) to 상수역(sangsu station), entire streets are crowded on friday and saturday night.

Banpo bridge moonlight rainbow - '반포대교 달빛무지개분수'

close to 고속터미널 역(Express bus terminal stn) , 5min by taxi abt 3000won


구    분

Running hour

off peak season

  weekday (15min each)              ⇒ 12:00                          20:00                  21:00
  hoilday(weekend) (15min each) ⇒ 12:00   17:00                20:00   20:30        21:00    21:30

peak season
(7 ~ 8월)

  평  일 (매회 15분) ⇒ 12:00                          20:00                  21:00
  휴  일 (매회 15분) ⇒ 12:00   17:00   19:30      20:00   20:30        21:00    21:30

running hour can be varied depends on weather, saving energy program etc..

** Foods, 


* GwangJang market -'광장 시장'. ( Jongno 5ga stn, line 1)

 has various kind of food 

Bindaedduk - '빈대떡' ,Mayak kimbab - '마약김밥' ( literally_ drug seaweed rice roll )

photos: http://mee0102.blog.me/60116988056

Dduckbokki - '떡볶이' , Soondae - '순대'


Tim burton also visited there before, that dish he had is 빈대떡 and that liquor is 막걸리(rice wine)

순희네빈대떡 _ is the most well-known restaurant in that market (Tim is in there now,lol)

↓순희네 빈대떡 SoonHeeNe bindaedduk

*명동 Myoungdong

super hot place for shopping, and dining.

 TONS of foreigners, easy to listen to chinese and japanese than korean language on the street.

easily crowded on weekend, but that's real Myoungdong.

all the foreign friend who came to Korea asked me come to Myoungdong to meet them,lol

no doubt, you can also enjoy street food here.

+ Restaurant in Myoungdong area

Korean bbq 갈비,  store name - Wangbi-jib '왕비집'


Myoungdong gyoja - '명동교자'

loute,   http://blog.naver.com/jancangi?Redirect=Log&logNo=60184777501

* Dongdaemoon - '동대문'


Mecca of bonded/imported clothes.

negotiating/bargain the price with the owner  is most important when u buy something

 popular place for foreigner like Myoungdong, Insadong

Night bazaar also well-known,

'관심가는것' 카테고리의 다른 글

[etc] 전역 후 MT 따라간 대학생.avi  (0) 2013.03.16
[etc] LG비켜.jpg  (0) 2013.03.16
[etc] 사랑해요LG.jpg  (0) 2013.03.16
코레일. 뭐지???  (0) 2013.02.28
[etc] 연예인할라면 멘탈이 이정도는 되야지  (0) 2013.02.24
[etc] 무한동력  (1) 2013.02.23
[lady] 고준희 새 화보  (0) 2013.02.21
Posted by 데레기
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