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분류 전체보기 (439)
Monolog (62)
관심가는것 (109)
Globe Trotters (93)
Back in school (21)
336x280(권장), 300x250(권장), 250x250, 200x200 크기의 광고 코드만 넣을 수 있습니다.

쿠바의 의료교육과 시스템.  

인구 1만명당 의사 수 58.2명
미국 27.9명
영국 16.4명
(2001년 기준)
생명과학분야 5백여개 특허 보유
개발도상국에는 판매 로열티 포기

영상 배경음악은 Cantinero De Cuba _ (쿠바의 바텐더.)

 Cantinero de Cuba by Cubamar  (앨범 Cafe Havana)

Tiene mi Cuba un son y una cantina, hecha de
caña y ron y agua marina. El cantinero es
un buen cubano, que una historia de amor lo
volvió malo.

Cantinero de Cuba, Cuba, Cuba, Cantinero de Cuba,
Cuba, Cuba, sólo bebe aguardiente para

Cantinero de Cuba, Cuba, Cuba, Cantinero de Cuba,
Cuba, Cuba, sólo bebe aguardiente para

Cuando va para el puerto siempre se asoma
esperando el mensaje de una paloma. El mar dice a
los vientos más marineros: ¡Por ti
hincharon las velas de aquél velero!
Find more similar lyrics on http://mp3lyrics.com/IpHT

Cantinero de Cuba, Cuba, Cuba, Cantinero de Cuba,
Cuba, Cuba, sólo bebe aguardiente para

Cantinero de Cuba, Cuba, Cuba, Cantinero de Cuba,
Cuba, Cuba, sólo bebe aguardiente para

Hoy me quiero emborrachar, necesito ser amado,
para olvidar un pasado que no se puede olvidar. Si
yo pudiera cantar, pero la pena me ahoga, la
recuerdo a todas horas, y no la puedo olvidar.

Cantinero de Cuba, Cuba, Cuba, Cantinero de Cuba,
Cuba, Cuba, sólo bebe aguardiente para

Cantinero de Cuba, Cuba, Cuba, Cantinero de Cuba,
Cuba, Cuba, sólo bebe aguardiente para

이하 구글번역

Cuba has a son and my canteen, made of

cane and rum and seawater. The bartender is

a good Cuban, a love story as

turned bad.

Bartender of Cuba, Cuba, Cuba, Cuba Bartender of,

Cuba, Cuba, just drink brandy for


Bartender of Cuba, Cuba, Cuba, Cuba Bartender of,

Cuba, Cuba, just drink brandy for


When going to the port always looks

waiting for the message of a dove. The sea tells

Most sailors winds: For you

that swelled the sails of sailing!

Find more like lyrics on http://mp3lyrics.com/IpHT

Bartender of Cuba, Cuba, Cuba, Cuba Bartender of,

Cuba, Cuba, just drink brandy for


Bartender of Cuba, Cuba, Cuba, Cuba Bartender of,

Cuba, Cuba, just drink brandy for


Today I want to get drunk, I need to be loved,

to forget a past that can not be forgotten. if

I could sing, but I choked worth the

memory at all times, and I can not forget.

Bartender of Cuba, Cuba, Cuba, Cuba Bartender of,

Cuba, Cuba, just drink brandy for


Bartender of Cuba, Cuba, Cuba, Cuba Bartender of,

Cuba, Cuba, just drink brandy for


Posted by 데레기
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