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분류 전체보기 (433)
Monolog (64)
관심가는것 (248)
Globe Trotters (93)
Back in school (22)
336x280(권장), 300x250(권장), 250x250, 200x200 크기의 광고 코드만 넣을 수 있습니다.

 * What do you do for fun? at home? outside home? 

 * What are your favorite winter activities?

How about the summer?

* what are the most popular activities in Korea for men? women? young? old?


i hibernate in winter.   ; hibernate 동면하다 

a wolf cub / a bear cub : cub [kʌb] 여우, 곰 사자등의 새끼를 말한다.

Out of sight, out of mind. 눈에서 멀어지면 마음도 멀어진다는 그것

I'm a homebody (in winter) ; (+) love to stay inside

It's food for sledding (눈썰매)

Juvenile = (-) 청소년의, 애같은 유치한, v.v.immatural = He's juvenile

a torch = flashlight

Eye candy , handsome sports stars are eye candy.


Precaution : what precaution did u take?

Set off = start a journey = head off. 출발하다.

ration : small amount of food, drink, cigarette _  emergency ration. 레이션이라 읽지마라 2음절에 'ㅓ'발음 없이 끝낸다.


i learned (skiing / to ski) 5 years ago.

When i play bungee jumping / ski/ snowboard.
    Play for ball sports, Do for yoga, aerobics, martial arts, Go for ing.

My knees (hurt for /hurts when i do) that

It's not as developed(adj) as Korea

Posted by 데레기
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