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분류 전체보기 (433)
Monolog (64)
관심가는것 (248)
Globe Trotters (93)
Back in school (22)
336x280(권장), 300x250(권장), 250x250, 200x200 크기의 광고 코드만 넣을 수 있습니다.

* Money is no object ! = Don't worry about money.

영어로 순서서술 할 때~

>> First, Firstly, First of all, Start with, Begin by, Secondly, Thirdly

>> And then, After that, further more,

>> additionally, in addition, finally, at the end.

* Have to/must > need to > should/ought

* It's necessary /essential to R

* it would be a good idea to R

* I'll buy it to show off. 

* I use 'cutey-cutey stuff'

* he need s to treat my parents well/badly

* you should play the field.

* close friends are open with each other. :  honest, be open with me.

* I make food from scratch.

* if i have much a lot of  money,

* i can get to know him well : 점점 알아가다 

* It stops me being late for work.

10/19 shopping.

what are your favorite and least favorite brands?

why do you like/ hate them?

what are the best places to buy ~?

*i love to haggle, : bargain ,  haggler : 모든걸 흥정하려 드는 사람.

I'm just browsing/ looking 

I'm a methodical shopper = plan/ slowly(-)

I'm a impulse shopper / buy spontaneously  : no plan, quickly, no thinking, impulsive

cf. i act spontaneously,!  / be spontaneous !

I'm loyal to LG. 

I'm reluctant to ~ : don't wanna

I'm a compulsive shopper/ liar/ gamer/ eater.  :  all the time + no control.

i hate browsing, I'm a hard-target shopper.  : fast, know what to buy

i prefer to shop on the high street : main street = real store.

They're not strong! sturdy.

Talk to the hand / i'm not listening to you : 손에다 대고 말해 시끄러 ,

It/they suit(s) me : style

It/they fit(s) me : size

I buy high-end brands  : expensive

i only buy generic brands  : normal line,

Freshman, Sophomore, Junior, Senior.

3 pairs of shoes, pants

clothes = close ( sound exactly same )

When i buy my clothes.  옷을 살때 꼭 내꺼 니꺼 붙일필요 없다. 

Women like it more. / prefer it.

Almost no men like it ( 아주 소수의 예외)

It's much cheaper/bigger/better. (큰 차이) 

Posted by 데레기
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