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SNS를 생각없이 한시간은 쳐다봐도 블로그에 글 쓸 시간은 없다고 생각하는 글쓰기 절름발이 데레기의 블로그 데레기


분류 전체보기 (433)
Monolog (64)
관심가는것 (248)
Globe Trotters (93)
Back in school (22)
336x280(권장), 300x250(권장), 250x250, 200x200 크기의 광고 코드만 넣을 수 있습니다.


* I went to a prestigious university.  _ 겁나 좋은 대학을 나왔찌,

*My education gave me a leg up = helped me _ 학력이 도움이 됐어

*the chances are few and far between = rare _ 흔치않은

*Be concise/ be succinct = short clever  인터뷰할때 대답은,

*It's money down the drain. _ 바닥에 돈뿌리는 행위지!

*it's imperative +++++  ( it's imperative to + verb) 반드시 해야하는, 긴요한, 

  It's essential +++

*i have butterflies before (on interview) _ 두근거려 울렁대!

* initiative_

-I used my initiative / my brain : quickly!

- Use your initiative~! : Use ur brain!

=>  the best way to use ur initiative => LIE!!!

*Handle = cope with = deal with

*The result = the out come 

*She's irreplaceable _ 대체할수 없는!

*It was a tricky situation : difficult, tough

*I pass the buck(usa) ( = take responsibility)

*Math/Sth goes over my head = don't understand.

-JAVA language goes over my head....

*There's a 50-50 split.  _  픱티픱티 스픭. 반반이야~ 

40-60~ 이렇게 

* Even though : real _ 실제 일어난 일에 대해서 ! 

  Even if : possible  _ 가능성은 있지만 아직 현실이 아닌일! 지금 내가 아니면 if 쓰는거임!

- Even though i don't need to compensate, then i do.  : 안해도 돼 현실임,레알임., 하지만 해.

- Even if i'm tired, I'm energetic. 난 지금 안힘들어! 그렇다면!? if 를 써야지

* I don't know how we can do it _ how를 사용한다면 뒤에 목적어 it  따라와야함!

   what we can do _ 안쓰려면 

* I failed that company -> I failed to get into that company _ 취직에 실패했어

* I used it to inform them of situation. _  inform 누구 of 내용

_ inform me of ~

* My chances were ruined.

* I'm loyal to my company. _ 

* They grilled me in the interview  _ asking lots of questions.

* they want people to be sheep   _ 말잘듣는, 복종하는 사원이길 바래.

- but i'm not a sheep 

* His thinking / mindset / attitude is unusual  _ 그는 사고방식이 독특해

* They do ask some difficult question

2/7 _ Being successful!

* what do you think makes someone successful in their life. - making lots of money,

   having power, having a happy family, being healthy, doing better than their parents? why?

* It's objective _ FACT! 객관적이고

- Is 김태희 beautiful?

  It's subjective _ Personal option. 주관적이지.

- Is 김태희 sexy?

* I went to top his success. _ v. top = do better than  능가하다, 라는 의미의 동사로 쓰임.

- can you top that? 더 잘할수 있겠어?

* Who's most successful person you know?

* He's a savvy guy.   _ 워렌버핏같은애들한테 쓰는 표현.
    That's a savvy decision. : good + intelligent.

* The world is your oyster. : You can do anything! : there are lots of opportunities.

- oyster contains pearl, and pearl means perfection.

* I will be affectionate with my kids/wife. 다정어린, 애정어린

* High staff morale is important.  사기, 의욕

* It's mind-numbing ! = boring * 73

* I invest in blue chip companies/stocks.

*Contentment is more suitable than satisfaction. 만족, satisfy 그만 씁시다 이제좀.

*You have to effort provide for your family 

* It's just my thinking opinion

* I had a hard time to do doing it

* You can get the money earn / make 5% for stock.

* i want you to reply asap! = fucxxng rude한 표현.

* I paid my money on that  마이머니 찾고 복잡하지말고, 걍 pay money for~

-> I paid money for that.  

Abbreciations. 약어.

* The delivery date is TBC. _ To be confirmed.

ETA : Estimated time of arrival.

-what's the ETA for delivery?

-Q: What's your ETA?   , A: 4pm

* ASAP  _ A-SAP ? 에이삽?  Bullshit 뻐큐머겅 (1% in usa)

* American uses CC as verb.    _ Carbon copy  복사본, 메일보낼때 참조.

  -  i always cc my boss, / did u cc me? / i will cc u.

* BTW : by the way _ i almost forget.

* TBA : To be announced

* FAQ : frequently asked question

* L8R : later

* IMO : In my opinion

* IMHO : In my humble opinion

* FYI : For your Information.

* ROFL : Rolling on floor laughing

* Pope : 카톡릭 교황 폽프

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