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SNS를 생각없이 한시간은 쳐다봐도 블로그에 글 쓸 시간은 없다고 생각하는 글쓰기 절름발이 데레기의 블로그 데레기


분류 전체보기 (433)
Monolog (64)
관심가는것 (248)
Globe Trotters (93)
Back in school (22)
336x280(권장), 300x250(권장), 250x250, 200x200 크기의 광고 코드만 넣을 수 있습니다.


How is Korea viewed by foreign countries, positively or negatively?

What factors contribute most to the perception people have of Korea?

How do you think Korean companies are viewed around the world? What feed back have you had from people you've worked with from foreign countries?

Which countries do you think have the best and the worst reputation around the world? Your answer can refer to types of business, politics, celebrities ot any other factors you think are important.

Do you think that Korea's image abroad can be improved? How?


Diligent 근면하다는 이 좋은단어, 하지만 이 단어는 학생들에게만 쓰는겁니다. 

열심히 일하는 한국 직장인들

* industrious : for Hard-worker 라는 표현을 쓰지요

* Germany is well-known for~ / renowned for~ 무엇무엇으로 유명하다~ 라는

 표현을 쓰고 싶을때 famous 쓰고싶겠지만, 사람이 아니잖아요?

* I recharged my batteries. 

  주말에, 휴일에 뭐했냐는 질문에 i took a rest 하지말고 아주 일상적이고 자유롭게 natural 하게 써보아요

* We work like dogs

   개같이 일했어요. 뭐 근면히 열심히 소처럼 일한다 싶기도 한데, 영미 문화권에서는 '개'라는거

* North Korea tarnish our image. 북한이 남한 이미지에 먹칠!tarnish타^나쉬 하고 있네요 라고 표현해요

* Conglomerates : 뭐이런단어가 있나 싶은데 크롬에서 오타지적을 안한다!!! 오오미....

    사전에선 거대기업, 복합기업이라 말하는데,결국 Multi-nations _다국적 기업을 뜻하기도 한다고

* The Olympics helped put Korea on the map = make Korea more well-known

    지도에 올렸으니, 인지도가 높아졌지, 잘알려졌다구 웰노운~

* Any last words? _ 사형장에서 죄수에게 묻는말, 

* Don't moan / whinge about it ! : Don't complain it

     moan_신음하다,불평하다투덜거리다, whinge_넋두리를 하다.

자 회의_Meeting의 구성

Starting / Opening a meeting

- if we are all here, Let's start the meeting~

- We're here today to~

- I've called this meeting to~

- Let's get down to business

- Let's get going! / Let's get started! / Let's get the ball rolling .

Eliciting information from others

- 누구, How do you feel about ... ?

- Does anyone have anything to add about ...?

- What does everyone think about~?

- Anymore comment ? / idea?

- Do you have any question?

- I'd like to get your information.

Keeping on the track

 - I understand that's important, but right now we need to focus on~

 - well get back to that later, now let's ~

 - We need to keep on task.(usa)

 - That's not relevant. ( to the issue ) / that's not pertinent.

 - Can we please focus on the topic?

    Can we please focus at hand? (= current)

Finishing / Ending a meeting

 - If nothing else, then let's ~~( 주요 결정사안을 다시 언급)

 - Right, it looks as though we've covered the main items.

 - Thanks for all your participation, and let's touch base again...

 - Let's wrap it up

 - We're done

 - Let's call it a day.

* In company At work, they review results often.

 회사에서 라는 의미를 쓰고싶다면, 앹웤이 맞다, 한국식 in company는 sounds strange

* How What do you think about North Korea ?

    '어떻게' '생각'하냐 _ 를 쓰는 'think' 는 What !!!

    '어떻게' '생각'하냐 _ 자연히 느껴지는 'feel' 은 How !!!   -> How do you feel 

 - What - think

 - How - feel

* How can i say ?  how 아니라고!

   What can i say _ 생각하는 시간 영어죠, ㅇ_ㅇ 맞는영어입니다.

    - Let me think about it / Give me a second.

* Korea's well-known for electronic companies.  일렉트릭 아니다. 

* The young generation were unhappy. 이 단어쓰는 순간 당신은 꼬부랑 할멈,,

  -> Young people 정도로 해주자.

* We spend time to have meetings

  We spend time on having meetings.  on + ing 잊지말자.


* We'll raise up increase your salary.  월급인상.. you raise me up을 너무 의식한거 아닌가요
   - We'll give(v) you a raise(n). 

* We need lots of menu dishes.  신메뉴가 필요한가? menu is just paper,  you need dishes,

* Let's discuss about it more.  전치사 필요없이 디스커스 하라.

* that can be our high point.   누가 말한건지는 모르겠지만, 무슨말을 하려고 했는지도 모르겠다.

 - best point / main strength.

* If i have no don't have these things.   좀 버릇좀 고쳐라 좀. 

* I'm confusing confused about your order.

    - It's confusing.

* they want to invest to in us.   invest엔 반드시 in 따라오라구

    save for, spend on 

* I understand your issues concerns / worries. 

   - 컨썬, 가장 적절한 표현이다. 혹은 worries도 좋다. 

* How much budget money do you need?   예산이 얼마나 필요한데? 일단 시작했으니 이제부턴 머니,

   - Have you set a budget?

   - What's your budget?

* I cannot expect predict how much it will cost.    미래의 일에 대해 말하는것이니, expect보단 predict가 적절!

* I don't know How i can do it.

                     What i can do.  이건뭐 쉽네.

* It's out of my hand. - out of control.

* Let's take 5.  ( Let's take a break for 5min.)

* we can revisit the topic another day.

* That's out of the question.! = not possible

* can you push back your retirement? = delay

 - can you push back the deadline? (later)

 - can you bring forward the deadline?(sooner)

* What's the severance package? _ severance pay. 퇴직금 , 퇴직수당

* Why do you pay newbies more. _ new starters

* I'm not made of money ! _ have a limited money.

* We video chat(v) everyday.    용어자체를 동사로 쓴다는걸 보여주고싶은거죠.

   -  We text / skype / email everyday

Posted by 데레기
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